Scientists have found signs of the Presence of Phosphorus, a very important element required for life, on Saturn's moon.

Scientists are currently studying the possible habitable planets and their natural satellites inside and outside the solar system, because according to several theories, life on Earth will become very difficult in the next few hundred years, due to the increasing temperature of the Earth, climate. Changes and lack of basic life-supporting resources will make human life on the blue planet extremely difficult and gradually the human race will become extinct. To save the human race from extinction, scientists are trying hard to find another planet that can provide accommodation for life.

Which has an atmosphere similar to Earth, where the basic necessities of life are present. Although many extraterrestrial planets have been selected for this purpose, which have the same structure as the Earth and are in the habitable zone of their stars, but using their current technology, humans can reach them only after thousands of years of space travel. Can reach means that we cannot reach there. Therefore, scientists are studying the moons of different planets of the solar system, among them there is also a moon of Saturn, Enceladus, which has an ocean of salt water/ice under its surface and contains a lot of minerals.

Enceladus is the sixth largest moon of Saturn's 145 moons. Phosphorus is one of the 6 basic biological elements that make up 98.5 percent of the human body. The discovery of the presence of phosphorus on this moon will make it more favorable for scientists to harbor life.

The presence of phosphorus on this moon of Saturn was obtained from data sent by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The spacecraft's sensors recorded the presence of phosphorus in  ice particles that rose from the surface of Enceladus.